Senin, 09 Agustus 2010

How to Make a Vitamin C Anti Aging Serum

One of the most powerful anti-aging vitamins is vitamin C. A potent anti aging serum, vitamin C boosts collagen production, repairs existing sun damage, and improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. Making your own vitamin C skin care products ensures the best results. Vitamin C is unstable and oxidizes quickly, meaning it has a very short self life. Since most vitamin C serum costs $20 and up and oxidize before consumers are half way through the bottle, it is both frugal and better for your skin to make your own anti aging serum. Making a vitamin C serum is easy to do with some basic supplies. The recipe below will yield an anti aging serum of 10% strength.


  1. Step 1
    Purchase the L-ascorbic acid form of Vitamin C. L-ascorbic acid can be found online and in health food stores. Do not buy vitamin C tablets as these often have fillers that you don't want to put on your skin. Check the Resources section for online suppliers.

  2. Step 2
    Buy either pure glycerin, KY jelly, or a mild non-allergenic face lotion to act as the base for the vitamin C serum. These items can usually be found in drugstores, but there are links to online suppliers in the Resources section.

  3. Step 3
    Buy some distilled water to dissolve the Vitamin C in. This can be found at grocery and drug stores.

  4. Step 4
    Mix 1/4 teaspoon of the Vitamin C with 1 teaspoon of distilled water in a cup or small glass bowl.

  5. Step 5
    Stir the mixture until the Vitamin C dissolves. If necessary place the cup or bowl in a larger bowl of warm water to dissolve any remaining granules.

  6. Step 6
    Add 1 teaspoon of the base (glycerin, KY jelly, or lotion) and mix.

  7. Step 7
    Spread the Vitamin C Anti Aging Serum on your face and go to bed, washing it off the next morning.

  8. Step 8
    Keep any extra serum in a dark container and store it in the fridge. Consider throwing it away altogether just to be on the safe side because Vitamin C really oxidizes very fast and it's probably better to make the serum fresh every time.